As is the case with many projects, the better you prep, the better finished product you will have. There are many companies that can bid you a “deck reseal” cheaper, but to compare apples to apples, here is what you can expect from us.
We will blow and sweep off your deck. We will manually remove gunk and debris that is clogging up between deck boards.\
With the use of commercial grade strippers, and cleaners, we will remove the existing stain and gunk from the deck. We will use scrubbers and pressure washers to accomplish this.
Once we have removed the old stain and scrubbed the deck, and removed the gunk, we will apply a brightener to the deck. The brightener will reset the PH balance in the wood which will bring back its original luster.
After the deck has had the chance to COMPLETELY dry, we will apply a stain or oil to the wood. If using an exotic wood, an oil works better to bring out the natural beauty. If using a cedar or other soft wood, we can use some transparent stains to give your deck some color while enhancing the natural grain.
After allowing the stain the chance to penetrate, any remaining is wiped off.
There will be small areas, nooks and crannies, and light areas that we need to do a second pass on to get perfect coverage. We repeat the staining and wipe down till we reach perfection.